the things said today on our engines, people who talk without knowing anything and think that by criticizing someone or something as an environmentalist, these people are very wrong, please spend some time and read this:
Today was seeking information about the Motorized bicycles, for a change, and to publish something interesting for the readers of my blog, when I read this note from a facebook page, which is very wrong, where virtually debase and insult the Motorized bicycles with the assumption view that pollute more than any car. look at the article:
when I saw it I thought, "there is no shame that I do not like button", the best thing I could think to do was take it out with a comment long somewhat like this:
"Whoever wrote this does not know anything, he is ignorant, and it shows that never kayaked or motorized bicycle, or bicycle, first of all the pollution that is a lie, let me explain that the problems of unburned gasoline and that you say a lie can only occur when there is a bad carburetor, what good is this engine, is precisely how efficient it is in both gasoline consumption, imagine how much they consume other cars, besides you Are you a vision closed, as 4-stroke engines rely on valves, which to withstand pressures and temperatures of the engine are made of special metals, such as titanium possessing different alloys, many of these valve metals are extracted from mines, which explodes and contaminates lot more of which generate these motors also are exploited as African people for example, and this engine is 2-stroke has no valves, one is based on a simple construction and some metals aluminum cost, which do not generate problems in mines, and aluminum is number one material that can be recycled, so fijate carefully before speaking and you against something, or make a smear campaign, first you have to know, if you do not know do not talk!!! !! "
then I read the reviews and I came across one that said this:
"They are dangerous for the uses (brake failure, emission of toxic gases, risk of electric shock, poor weight distribution) and pedestrians who see them as something harmless but a stroke of these devices gets to kill. Cicloaxion never has supported this type of vehicles and prohibits censorship and its outputs, so is our commitment and act so "
I could not believe that people so ingenuous to believe these things to be discussed, how anyone can electrocute with a motorized bicycle? if the cdi does not get to throw anything, the current is despicable, the only thing that can happen is to give you a little shock, and all the things he says on consumption per liter of gasoline is not much time. for example, I have a motorized bicycle, which according to the strip 3.5 kg / km of pollutant when in a conventional car have 4 liters of oil, about two liters of acids and high in lead, which are not reusable materials without of which is built the engine of a car, for example titanium and many metal alloys that come out clearly from the mining and aluminum recycling as our engines, made almost 90% of aluminum, also would have to have model changes and the cars that go to desguasadero, with Motorized bicycles thing does not happen, well, I hope you is interested in this post, I think we have to defend our engines 2t and say what we think, thank you very much to all.
asi es amigo la gent e es ignotante todo te sale bien cuando actuas con responsabilidad
ReplyDeleteamigo en lima peru el aceite sintetico y el semi sintetico son algo dificil de conseguir,, pero me an recomendado el valvoline dos tiempos,, dime no hay problema si lo cambio,, ya que uso el aceite mineral. saludos soy chestirito de taringa.
ReplyDeletea hola que tal, si me dijeron que el valvoline es bueno pero me parece que hay varios tipos mineral y sintetico creo, fijate bien.
y si hago el cambio de aceite tengo que hacer una limpieza profunda a mi motor para hecharle el nuevo aceite?? o solo espero que se acave el combustible y de frente hecho la nueva combibacion saludos amigos.
Deleteno, no es necesario desarmar y limpiar, el acite nuevo va a lubricar sobre el viejo, no hay ningun problema con eso.
Deleteespera a que se termine y lugo le pones el aceite nuevo.
amigo pienso cambiarle la corona al de 36 dientes para darle mas velocidad me puedes decir cual seria la desventaja si lo hago saludos?
ReplyDeleteBueno mira hay una regla muy simple, es la siguiente:
DeleteMientras mas dientes mas aceleración y fuerza de salida y menos velocidad final.
Mientras menos dientes mas velocidad final y menos fuerza y aceleración
aqui en en lima yo tengo un grupo de bicimoteros y hay uno que se cree el mejor que sabe todo a el le gusta correr y segun el llega hasta 60km por hora,,,y de verdad el se adelanta bastante y corre mucho mas que todos nosotros,,,,su tubo de escape de el es mas largo,, y yo recien lo acavo de alargar mi tubo de escape,,,el usa el valvoline y yo recien usare el repsol que esta mas caro que el valvoline.. y por ultimo su corona es mas chica la de 36 dientes y tambien pienso hacer ese cambio al mio... lo malo que aqui no son tan comunes las coronas de 36 dientes lo estoy buscandolo como ahuja,, pero se que lo conseguire. saludos
ReplyDeletesi mira, todas esas cosas dependen de cada motor y su historia, por ejemplo como fue ablandado, como se trato, si se lo cuido, etc.
Deleteobviamente que tambien depende de los accesorios.
suerte con esa corona.
amigo el tubito que esta dentro del silenciador del tubo de escape
ReplyDeleteme dijistes que lo podria cortar unos 2 cm ,, pero despues me dijistes
que lo alarge... cual de los dos hago y cual seria la ventaja si lo hago
de acuerdo a tu rspuesta que me digas si es alargar cuanto lo alargaria saludos.
bueno mira, el tubito de adentro te dije que lo podes cortar 2cm, despues te dije que podias alargar el tubo de escape en general, no el tubito interior, como por ejemplo alargar la salida del escape (la salida de la tobera del motor)
aya el tubo de escape si ya lo alarge y note un poco mas de fuerza sobre todo en subidas,, y que ventaja tendria si recorto los 2 cm del tubo pequeño saludos.
ReplyDeletebueno mira, el tubito de adentro te dije que lo podes cortar 2cm, despues te dije que podias alargar el tubo de escape en general, no el tubito interior, como por ejemplo alargar la salida del escape (la salida de la tobera del motor)
bueno amigo parece que ya te aburristes de mis preguntas
ReplyDeleteya no te molesto mas gracias por todo.
cual pregunta?, disculpa igualmente esta semana estuve con muchos exámenes y estuve varias madrugadas estudiando y no le preste atención al blog, mil disculpas.
Deletepodes preguntarme lo que encesites.